Nuts, which are included in most of the healthy dietary patterns, are characterized by their high energy density as a result of their high lipid content. In the recent pandemic situation we are prone to various respiratory illnesses. So keeping our surroundings clean and eating fresh immunity-boosting foods is the way out of this pandemic.
Nuts consumption cannot prevent Covid; however it can definitely provide a tool to do so. Walnuts have been touted as the ‘brain food’ because they resemble one with their furrowed appearance.
Walnuts are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. It helps in aiding weight loss, keeping our brain active and alert, avoid heart diseases, control diabetes, strengthen our bones.

Almonds pack a dense nutritional punch to benefit you and your body. If you’re looking to strengthen your heart, your bones, or even your libido, almonds can help do the trick. Whole almonds are a great source of Vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are also a great plant-based protein that can double as a source of fibre. Studies have shown and conferred a number of health benefits, which include reducing the risk of heart disease and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Their Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant. The ORAC value of almonds is almost twice as much as that of Concord grape juice and 3½ times more than green tea. Eating almonds on a daily basis can keep your body with significant levels of nutrients that are profitable for overall health. This includes proteins, mono-saturated fats, and antioxidants. Furthermore, almonds promote your health by lowering bad cholesterol.

From the deciduous tree the hard-walled spherical pods and with the scientific name of Bertholletia excels, Brazil nuts are a nutrient-dense and delicious type of nuts. They are a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are one of the richest sources of selenium important for several bodily functions. They improve the immune system and it serves to prevent contamination to our nerves and cells. The extracted oil from them can remain viable for months and can be used for many health benefits. Apart from this it helps in reducing weight, treating acne, maintains a proper functioning of the thyroid glands helps in cellular growth and prevents constipation, bloating and colon cancer. An ounce of date provides heart healthy nutrients along with vitamin B6. B6 is said to remove the amino acid homocysteine from the blood, as this amino acid is linked to the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
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- Shilajit– Wonder of Ayurveda.
- USHAPAN: Body Detox Remedies.
- Ayurveda: A Way Of Healthy Life In Day-To-Day Life.
- Health Benefits of Ayurvedic Herbs.
Dates are also a good source of iron, which is recommended in the treatment of anaemia. Moderate consumption of dates twice a week is recommended in order to improve cardiovascular health. They are natural sugars hence they boost energy. Dates contain elemental fluorine that is useful in protecting teeth against decay. selenium, another element believed to help prevent cancer and improve immune function, is also found in dates. It also stimulates the nervous system and improves eye eyesight hence it is considered as the ideal food. They may appear unappealing with their aged appearance and shrivelled texture, but raisins are whole, nutrient-dense, and minimally processed foods that are extremely versatile. They are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, energy, and electrolytes. They have a plethora of health benefits, which include improved digestion, bone health, iron levels, blood flow, fertility, and sleep. They have also been known for boosting energy, as well as for their positive impact on eyes, teeth, and hair.

Cashew nuts have positive effects on our entire body. Despite the fact that half of their composition is fat, they help us to lose weight. At the same time, they prevent the formation of gallstones. They are an effective fighter against digestive tract cancer. It contains essentials like calcium, vitamin K which help strengthening the bones, teeth and gums. Copper which is required for the proper functioning of the brain and for the goodness of hair is found in cashews. The Omega fatty acids present in cashews help to reduce the weight.

The magnesium in it maintains the BP. Cashews produces a pigment called melanin which solves the eye problems. The lusciously sweet with texture, figs have been used to help treat health conditions related to the endocrine, reproductive, and respiratory systems, as well as the digestive tract. They are essential in improving erectile function, paralysis, treating anaemia, constipation, liver functions, fever, and for improving the immune system. Leaves and roots of this plant have also been used for controlling diabetes and triglycerides. Nuts filled with a host of healthful nutrients, stapled ingredients in our routine cooking can lead to a better and healthy life.

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