Can We Take Shilajit In The Summer?

by | Apr 5, 2024 | Ayurvedic herbs and their benefits

As the warm summer months approach, many individuals seek to adapt their wellness routines to thrive during this vibrant season, with a growing interest in Shilajit as a natural supplement known for potentially supporting well-being. In this article, we’ll explore what Shilajit is, its potential health benefits during summer, and smart ways to integrate it into your seasonal wellness regimen.

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit, a rare and natural substance, exudes from the rocky heights of mountain ranges such as the Himalayas, Altai Mountains, Caucuses, and the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan. This blackish-brown, tar-like material forms over centuries to millennia through the gradual decomposition of native plants amidst the rugged terrain.

Processing and Collection 

Intense pressure and heat from soil, microbes, and bedrock gradually transform abundant plant matter into a highly concentrated, mineral-rich substance.

The finest Shilajit is sourced from remote regions in the Himalayas, Altai, and Gilgit Baltistan, where it oozes into natural rock crevices and cracks. Skilled collectors meticulously hand-harvest this prized substance at optimal times, ensuring its purity and freedom from modern industrial contaminants.

After collection, raw Shilajit undergoes meticulous purification processes to concentrate its potent nutrients and eliminate impurities, resulting in a final product that encapsulates the essence of this precious substance sourced directly from the depths of Mother Earth.


Shilajit is a rich reservoir of over 84 minerals and trace elements, complemented by fulvic acid, humic acid, plant-sourced antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds. With its organic tar-like appearance and distinctive aroma, Shilajit is recognized by traditional healers and modern researchers alike as a profoundly nutrient-dense substance, renowned for its diverse health-restorative properties and potential to enhance longevity when used intentionally.

How “Rock Juice” Came To Be?

Shilajit, with its ancient roots in mountain communities like the Himalayas, Altai region, Caucuses, and northern Pakistan mountains, holds a venerable place in history. Referred to as “rock-conquering” in Sanskrit, it earned titles such as the “conqueror of mountains” and the “destroyer of weakness” among yogis, showcasing its esteemed status. Commonly known as “rock juice” or “stone oil” in various languages, these names aptly describe its resinous nature.

In historical contexts, inhabitants of mountainous regions consumed Shilajit in modest quantities to augment vitality, fortitude, and endurance before embarking on extensive journeys or traversing elevated landscapes. Subsequently, practitioners of traditional Ayurveda integrated refined Shilajit into medicinal blends aimed at revitalizing the body, reinforcing immunity, optimizing digestion, sharpening cognition, and alleviating various health ailments.

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Research conducted by Russian scientists in the last century delved into the properties of Shilajit, resulting in its adoption as a natural performance enhancer among Soviet Olympic teams. Recent studies have further corroborated Shilajit’s efficacy in fortifying both the body and mind, along with its role in shielding cells from harm.

Uses of Shilajit in Tradition

Shilajit boasts a storied heritage across diverse cultures and traditional healing practices. Within Ayurvedic medicine, it holds the esteemed classification of “rasayana,” revered for its potential to foster rejuvenation and longevity. Its reputed ability to restore equilibrium and vitality underscores its cherished role in promoting overall well-being.

Hunters and nomads historically utilized Shilajit to bolster their strength and endurance for arduous journeys. Prior to embarking on their physically demanding expeditions, they would dissolve a small quantity of Shilajit in water or milk and consume it, harnessing its purported benefits.

The traditional uses of Shilajit underscore its enduring status as a natural companion for health and wellness. Presently, contemporary scientific inquiry is increasingly affirming these age-old assertions, elucidating the precise mechanisms through which Shilajit can bolster our overall well-being.

During the summer months, the remote mountains where Shilajit originates experience a gradual softening and maturation of this precious material, allowing for its extraction. Summer, known as the prime season for collection across Shilajit’s native terrains, coincides with an increase in visitors to the Himalayan regions and mountains across Asia.

Embracing the age-old tradition of serving Shilajit tea to newcomers for acclimatization to high-altitude terrain reflects a profound wisdom ingrained in local culture. Just as the summer’s warmth draws out Shilajit from the mountains, these warmer months offer an opportune time for harnessing its potential to support overall health.

Shilajit’s Place in a Summertime Routine

Here’s how Shilajit could seamlessly integrate into a summer health regimen, offering a potent boost to amplify energy, vitality, and comfort during the action-packed, indulgence-filled summer season:

Boosts Vitality Without Overstimulating

When the allure of lounging becomes tempting in warm weather, motivating yourself to exercise, work, and play can require additional effort. Shilajit gradually enhances energy output at the cellular level, offering a cleaner and more sustained boost compared to caffeine. By optimizing cell respiration and oxygen circulation, it provides a recharging sensation without inducing edginess, akin to fine-tuning your body to operate on premium fuel.

Encourages Detoxification

During summertime, increased exposure to toxins from BBQs, seasonal produce, travel, or water quality issues is common. Shilajit’s minerals bind to heavy metals and free radicals, facilitating their elimination through natural bodily processes. This detoxification aids in reducing inflammation, allowing cells and tissues to operate more efficiently. Additionally, Shilajit promotes circulation, while also supporting lymphatic and liver functions, contributing to a comprehensive cleansing of the body’s systems.

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Alleviates Skin Stressors

Shilajit protects the skin internally against summer-related challenges such as sun damage, humidity, and allergens, thanks to its potent antioxidant conten

t. Additionally, research indicates that it diminishes histamine, inflammation, and irritation, while its rich mineral composition promotes collagen and keratin formation, resulting in smoother, more youthful skin. Moreover, It purifies the blood, promoting a clearer complexion, and helps balance sebum production.

Eases Digestive Woes

Summer vacations frequently disrupt digestive wellness due to shifts in diet, including seasonal fruits, dining out, travel, and altered routines. Shilajit supports intestinal integrity, boosts digestive enzymes, and alleviates discomfort during inevitable digestive issues. By promoting gut flora balance, expediting food digestion, and minimizing gas, it enables individuals to savor seasonal treats without compromising on comfort.

Offsets Hormone Changes

Shilajit aids in mitigating mood swings, physical ailments, and lack of motivation arising from hormonal imbalances triggered by factors like irregular sleep, diet, and alcohol consumption. By addressing mineral deficiencies and regulating key hormones, it promotes consistent energy levels and mental well-being. Furthermore, it stabilizes blood sugar levels, optimizes thyroid function, fosters reproductive health, and fosters emotional equilibrium.

Including Shilajit in Your Summer Activities

Here’s a suggestion for incorporating into your summer self-care routine after exploring its numerous potential benefits:

  • Blend it into your morning smoothie: Add a dash of Shilajit powder to your favorite summer smoothie recipe to elevate its nutrient content and provide an extra burst of energy.
  • Infuse it into your iced tea: Enhance your iced tea by dissolving Shilajit into it, creating a revitalizing and health-boosting beverage perfect for warm weather refreshment.
  • Take it as a daily supplement: Conveniently available in capsules or tablets, It can be consumed daily as a dietary supplement to support overall health and well-being.
  • Craft a Shilajit elixir: Prepare a soothing bedtime elixir by blending Shilajit with warm milk, honey, and a hint of cinnamon powder. This nourishing drink can promote better sleep and relaxation.

Always remember, with Shilajit, less is more. Begin with a modest amount and gradually raise it as your body acclimates. Before integrating any new supplement into your regimen, it’s wise to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

A note on Safety

Although is a natural substance, it possesses potent properties and should be approached with caution and reverence. Prior consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended before initiating any new supplement regimen, as Shilajit might interact with certain medications or contraindicate particular health conditions.

Maintain adequate hydration while using Shilajit, as it may have a mild diuretic effect. Discontinue use promptly if any adverse reactions occur. Avoid Shilajit during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to insufficient safety data.

Shilajit isn’t a panacea, yet when incorporated mindfully alongside a balanced diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and stress management, it becomes a beneficial asset to your summertime health regimen. As with any lifestyle change, pay attention to your body’s cues and adhere to what aligns best with your well-being.



Embrace the vitality of summer with Shilajit as your trusted ally, enhancing your well-being through its myriad benefits. Incorporate it into your holistic health regimen to feel energized, resilient, and ready to seize the season’s delights with confidence, nurturing both your body and mind.


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