What is Sperm? Things you Should Know About Sperm

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Health Tips & Treatments

Sperm are reproductive cells that are found in a man’s ejaculate. Pregnancy can only happen if one of those sperm successfully fertilizes the egg in a woman’s reproductive tract.

Sperm count

What is Sperm?

Sperm, also known as spermatozoa, are male reproductive cells that are formed in the testes and released during ejaculation. They are microscopic, tadpole-shaped cells that contain a man’s genetic material, or DNA. Sperm are able to swim, which allows them to travel through the female reproductive tract and fertilize an egg.

Where is Sperm Produced?

Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. These tubules are tiny coiled tubes that are located inside the testes. The seminiferous tubules are lined with sperm-producing cells called spermatogonia. Spermatogonia undergoes a process called spermatogenesis to develop into mature sperm.

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What does sperm look like?

Sperm are microscopic cells, so they cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, when viewed under a microscope, sperm have a tadpole-shaped appearance. They have a small head, which contains the nucleus and DNA, and a long tail, which helps them to swim. 

The average sperm is about 0.05 millimeters long, or about 2 thousandths of an inch. The head of the sperm is about 5 micrometers long and 3 micrometers wide. The tail of the sperm is about 50 micrometers long.

Sperm are produced in the testes and released during ejaculation. Semen, the fluid that carries sperm, is typically a whitish-gray color and has a jelly-like consistency.

Where is Sperm Stored?

Sperm are stored in the epididymis, which is a long, coiled tube that is attached to the back of each testis. The epididymis is responsible for storing and maturing sperm. Sperm can survive in the epididymis for up to 20 days.

After sperm are matured in the epididymis, they travel to the vas deferens, which is a long tube that carries sperm to the prostate gland. The vas deferens is located inside the scrotum and then travel up into the abdomen.

During ejaculation, sperm travel from the vas deferens through the prostate gland and urethra. The prostate gland and seminal vesicles produce fluids that combine with sperm to form semen. Semen is a thick, white fluid that protects sperm and helps them to travel through the female reproductive tract.

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Once semen is ejaculated into a woman’s vagina, sperm swim up through the cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If an egg is present in a fallopian tube, it can be fertilized by a sperm. Fertilization occurs when a sperm fuses with the egg and forms a zygote, which is the first cell of a new embryo.

How long can Sperm Live?

How long sperm is viable after ejaculation depends on the circumstances. Sperm can live anywhere from a few minutes to a week, depending on where the ejaculate goes.

  • Outside the Body: Sperm can only live for a few hours outside the body. This is because sperm need a warm and moist environment to survive.
  • Inside the Semen: Sperm can live for up to 72 hours inside the semen. However, their chances of fertilizing an egg decrease over time.
  • Inside the Female Reproductive Tract: Sperm can live for up to 5 days inside the female reproductive tract. This is because the female reproductive tract provides a warm and moist environment for sperm to survive.

What is the Role of Sperm in Infertility?

Sperm’s role in male fertility is essential. Without sperm, conception (pregnancy) isn’t possible. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, it creates a zygote, which is the first cell of a new embryo. This embryo then implants in the lining of the uterus and begins to grow into a baby.

During sexual intercourse and ejaculation, millions of sperm are released into the female reproductive tract. On average, a man’s ejaculate contains 39 million sperm or more. But again, a lot of those sperm are already dead.

If you are concerned about your fertility, it is important to talk to your doctor. They can perform a semen analysis to assess your sperm count, motility, and morphology. If your semen analysis is abnormal, your doctor may recommend further testing or treatment.

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 How to Analyse the Sperm Count Are Healthy?

A normal sperm count is at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. A normal sperm motility is at least 40%. And a normal sperm morphology is at least 4%.

A semen analysis looks at many different aspects of a man’s semen. These include:

  • Number of sperm
  • Sperm concentration
  • Volume of ejaculated fluid
  • Composition of ejaculated fluid
  • Sperm viability (how healthy they are)
  • Sperm morphology (the size and shape of sperm)
  • Sperm motility (how well they move or “swim”)

All of these factors play a role in male fertility. However, if the analysis shows that some of these factors fall below the “normal” ranges, that doesn’t automatically mean someone has infertility.  And even if the sperm are not capable of fertilizing a partner’s egg following intercourse, other fertility methods (such as IVF) are still possible.

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 How do I make my sperm healthier?

There are a number of activities or habits that are linked with healthier sperm. Here are things you can do if you want to increase your sperm count and overall sperm health.

  • Maintain a healthy weight:- Obesity is linked to lower sperm counts and motility.
  • Eat a healthy diet:- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats.
  • Exercise regularly:- Exercise can help to improve sperm count, motility, and morphology. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • Get enough sleep:- Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption:- Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can damage sperm and reduce fertility.
  • Manage stress:- Stress can reduce sperm production and quality. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation.


Sperm are essential for reproduction. Sperm quality can be affected by a number of factors, including age, medical conditions, medications, lifestyle factors, and environmental factors. There are a number of things that men can do to improve their sperm quality, such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. If you are concerned about your sperm quality, you should talk to your doctor.

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Q 1. How to test sperm count

Answer:- There are two main ways to test sperm count:

  • Semen analysis: This is the most common and accurate way to test sperm count. It is done by collecting a semen sample and then having it analyzed in a laboratory. The semen analysis will measure the sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology (shape).
  • Home sperm test: There are a number of home sperm tests available on the market. These tests are typically less accurate than semen analyses, but they can be a good way to get a general idea of your sperm count.
Q 2. How to boost sperm count


Sperm count is the number of sperm present in a semen sample. A normal sperm count is at least 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If you want to boost your Sperm Count then Maintain a healthy weight, Eat a healthy diet, Exercise regularly, Get enough sleep, Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol, and Manage stress.

Q 3. Is it shameful to have low sperms

Answer:- No, it is not shameful to have a low sperm count. Low sperm count is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. There are a number of factors that can contribute to low sperm count, including medical conditions, medications, lifestyle factors, and environmental factors.

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