Nilavembu helps to manage blood sugar levels and is useful for people suffering from diabetes. It also helps fight cancer and detoxifies the liver. Its rich source of antimicrobial and antiviral properties help manage all kinds of fever including dengue, typhoid, influenza, malaria and chikungunya.Nilavembu kudineer chooranam used for the management of many of types of fevers and flu with respiratory complications. It is in powder form used for making kashaya of the respective choorana. It is used for reducing fever due to respiratory illness.
Andrographis Panic
Vetiveria Zizanioides
Plectranthus Vettiveroides
Cyperus Rotundus
Santalum Album
Zingiber Officinale
Nilavembu is one of the most effective traditional herbs that is widely used in Siddha and Ayurveda since ancient times. It is also known as King Of Bitters because of its effective treatment.
It contains antipyretic, hepatoprotective, digestive, cholagogue, and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases in Ayurvedic, Siddha medicines, Unani, Chinese remedies, Homeopathy, and tribal medicine.
This herb is the great remedy for different types of treatments such as intermittent fever, dengue fever, chikungunya, malaria and chronic fever.