Each 5ml Contains:
Justicia Adnatoda 1X 0.15 v/v
Azadirachta 1X 0.075 v/v
Ocimum Sanctum 1X 0.075 v/v
Drosera 3X 0.05 v/v
Ipecacuanna 3X 0.05 v/v
Antimonium Tart 3X 0.005 w/v
Magnesium 6X 0.001 w/v
Ferrum phos 3X 0.001 w/v
Natrum Sulph 6X 0.001 w/v
Kalium Muriaticum 3X 0.001 w/v
Flavoured Syrupy Base q.s. 5ml v/v
Alcohol Contents 8.0% v/v
Most Effective in Cough caused by Common Cold, Chest Congestion, Dry Cough, Allergic Cough and Decongestion, highly recommended in conditions of Antitussive, Expectorant, Dyspnea, Mucolytic and Mucokinetic Disorders.
Adult - 2 Tablespoonful,thrice a day | Children - 1 Tablespoonful twice a day or as directed by the physician.